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Tuesday, November 24, 2020





Management courses are an outstanding medium that can facilitate the improvement of various qualities such as leadership and innovation. Management courses are the most popular courses among all colleges and universities across the world. There are huge career opportunities and hence candidates are choosing management courses. There are students who choose management courses even to increase their graduation levels. The goal of management training is to increase the productivity of all employees by motivating and educating managers. Working as a manager can be a challenging and exciting career and can be lucrative as you work your way up. Most management courses give you the opportunity to pursue your own interest.

Management courses allow a manager to understand every aspect that makes up the business and the different decisions made at every management level. This also ensures that managers are capable of making the right decisions for the business in times of crisis and uncertainty or even better predict future crises. Knowing how the functions of the business are affected by external changes also helps to prevent damage to the business financially and financial management.

Without management courses, there would be few successful managers capable of operating a business in today’s constantly evolving economy. Courses in management studies are important because without the skills needed to compete with competitors and deal with external changes it is easier to fail than succeed. Managers who want to ensure that they are leading their staff to the best of their abilities can take up courses in business studies and improve their current management skills.

Management courses provide managers with the opportunity to improve the competitiveness of their business by providing them with skills that will add as an advantage to their career. Managerial skills are not only used in the business environment but on a day to day basis. Management studies not only help managers to deal with changes in the business environment but also help them to manipulate these changes to benefit the business. The importance of management studies cannot be stressed enough. In a struggling economy businesses need leadership or else they will most likely fail in their ventures.

There are lots of benefits of studying Management courses. A person who is interested in leading an organization and manage people must be aware of Management courses.


i). Goals and values aren’t necessarily the same, but tend to work well when they are aligned.

*values* are ethics. Organisations have Codes of Ethics that members have to abide by. For instance as a registered hypnotherapist I do, too. There is something called iatrogenesis which means using skills to coerce financial and other advantage from a client. I can’t do that, and wouldn’t because of my personal and professional Ethics.

ii). A need is something that invokes an emotional reaction either positive when met or negative when not met

Values are built, over time, around human needs. So we say, for example, that life is the greatest value because we want to live.

iii). Value indicates the worth that is attached to any object, condition, principle or idea. Value is the capacity of something or somebody to satisfy the human desire. These are the ways behind our actions and the basis for setting goals.

Standards are set limits one will accept in working toward a goal. Standards are mental pictures of what is considered essential and necessary to make life satisfying.

iv). event planners create the vision and many of the preliminary plans for an event.

while management execute the details before and during it.


2b. Resources is a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.


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