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Monday, September 28, 2020





*(Number 1)*

*(1st Generation:)*
*(Choose one)*

(i)Use of vacuum tubes to make circuits.
(ii)Use of magnetic drums.
(iii)Use of machine language and symbols in instructions.
(iv)Very small amount of storage space.

*(2nd Generation)* 
*(Choose one)*

(i)Transistors – small, low-power, low-cost, more reliable than vacuum tubes
(ii)Magnetic core memory
(iii)Two’s complement, floating point arithmetic
(iv)Reduced the computational time from milliseconds to microseconds

*(3rd Generation:)*
*(Choose One)*

(i)Integrated circuits instead of individual transistors.
(ii)Smaller, cheaper, more efficient and faster than second generation computers.
(iii)High-level programming languages.

*(4th Generation:)*
*(Choose Any one)*
(i)Introduction of Very Large-Scale Integration (VLSI) – combines millions of transistors
(ii)Single-chip processor and the single-board computer emerged
(iii)Smallest in size because of the high component density
(iv)Creation of the Personal Computer (PC)

*(5th Generation:)* 
*(Choose one)*

(i)Development of true artificial intelligence.
(ii)Development of Natural language processing.
(iii)Advancement in Parallel Processing and  Superconductor technology.
(iv)More user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features.

(i)Fetch: Each instruction is stored in memory and has its own address. The processor takes this address number from the program counter, which is responsible for tracking which instructions the CPU should execute next.

(ii)Decode: All programs to be executed are translated to into Assembly instructions. Assembly code must be decoded into binary instructions, which are understandable to your CPU. This step is called decoding.

(iii)Execute:While executing instructions the CPU can do one of three things: Do calculations with its ALU, move data from one memory location to another, or jump to a different address. 

(iv)Store: The CPU must give feedback after executing an instruction, and the output data is written to the memory.

(i)Resource management
(ii)Task management
(iii)File management
(iv)Allow user interface.

An analog computer or analogue computer is a type of computer that uses the continuously changeable aspects of physical phenomena such as electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.

*(Number 2)*

(Step 1)On your computer, open Chrome.
(Step 2)At the top right, click More.
(step 3)Click History. History.
(step 4)On the left, click Clear browsing data
(step 5)From the drop-down menu, select how much history you want to delete.
(step 6)Check the boxes for the info you want Chrome to clear, including “browsing history."
(step 7)Click Clear data.

web address: The web address  contains information about the location of the webpage. It is also known as the URL (uniform resource locator). Like the address for your home, a web address organizes information about a webpage's location in a predictable way.

Web page: Web page  is a specific collection of information provided by a website and displayed to a user in a web browser. A website typically consists of many web pages linked together in a coherent fashion.

Digital certificates: Digitial certificate are electronic credentials that bind the identity of the certificate owner to a pair of electronic encryption keys, (one public and one private), that can be used to encrypt and sign information digitally. All the receiver would know is that a valid key pair was used.

Data encryption: Data encryption translates data into another form, or code, so that only people with access to a secret key (formally called a decryption key) or password can read it. Encrypted data is commonly referred to as ciphertext, while unencrypted data is called plaintext


*(Number 3)*

(Step 1):Select the text and click the colour button included on the front group of the Ribbon etc
(Step 2):Highlight the text and right click and choose the colours tool
(Step 3):Select the colour by clicking the down arrow next to the front color button

(Step 1):Select the first character of a paragraph.
(step 2):Go to INSERT > Drop Caps
(Step 3):Select the drop cap option you want. To create a drop cap that fits within your paragraph,select Dropped.

(Step 1):On the Insert tab, in the Pages group, click Cover Page.
(Step 2): Click a cover page layout from the gallery of options.
(step 3): After you insert a cover page, you can replace the sample text with your own text by clicking to select an area of the cover page, such as the title, and typing your text.

Data source: The data source is a document, spreadsheet or database that contains personalized information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. The Main Document can be a Form Letter, Labels, Email, or Directory.

merge field code:Merge  Field codes appear between curly brackets, or braces ( { } ), and is a placeholder text that show where specified information from your data source will appear. The field code includes the field characters, field type, and instructions.


*(Number 6)*

Procedures:( in database): It  sometimes referred to as Stored Procedures or Procs are subroutines that can contain one or more SQL statements that perform a specific task. They can be used for data validation, access control, or to reduce network traffic between clients and the DBMS servers.

Data Access Language: Data access language is simply DAL, was a SQL-like language and application programming interface released by Apple Computer in 1990 to provide unified client/server access to database management systems.

The query processor: The Query Processor is a Structured Query Language (SQL) parser, optimizer, and query execution engine. The Query Processor accepts and executes SQL commands according to a chosen plan and interacts with the enterprise Database Server storage engine to return the expected results.

Data Dictionary: Data dictionary is a set of information describing the contents, format, and structure of a database and the relationship between its elements, used to control access to and manipulation of the database.

(i)Scalar data types :Used to store scalar values like numbers, decimals etc.
(ii)Composite data types : It is combination of other datatypes usually scalar datatypes.
(iii)Reference data types :Used to store the information about another datatype. It can be referred as pointers in C.
(iv)LOB data types :Used to store large objects like images, videos etc

(i)Centralised database.
(ii)Distributed database. 
(iii)Personal database.
(iv)End-user database


*(Number 7)*

In AutoCAD, a block is a collection of objects that are combined into a single named object. The following are some sample blocks at various scales. Some of these blocks are realistic representations of objects, some are symbols, and one of them is an architectural title block for a D-size drawing.

Blocks is used in AutoCAD to describe repeatable items that you place in your


Hatch: Hatch is used to fill an area or selected objects with a   hatch pattern or a fill. Go to its Properties panel and choose the Hatch  type  that you would like to insert. Choose between   Solid, Gradient, Pattern or User Defined.

Polygon: The AutoCAD POLygon command provides a quick way of drawing regular polygons (all sides and angles are equal).AutoCAD starts the POLygon command and prompts you to enter the number of sides for the polygon.

Select all objects
Cut object
Paste object
Copy to clipboard with base point
Paste data as block

Select all objects
Undo last action
Redo last action
Cancel current command (or ctrl+\)
ESC Cancel current command

During a command, you can access  QuickCalc transparently in the following ways: Right-click to  display  the shortcut menu, and choose QuickCalc.
At a prompt for a value or coordinates, enter 'quickcalc or 'qc.

Ctrl + 0
Clears screen to show only the drawing area and hides palettes and tabs. Press it again to reset default AutoCAD interface.
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