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Showing posts with label NABTEB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NABTEB. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2020

October 11, 2020

2020 Nabteb SSCE Agric Practical Answers

2020 Nabteb SSCE Agric Practical Answers 
💫🌹We are always with you all forever 

(i) Nitrogen 
(ii) Potassium 
(iii) Phosphorus 

(i) Broadcasting method 
(ii) Ring method 
(iii) Side Placement 
(iv) Top dressing 
(v) Folial Spray

agricultural Uses of Specimen F
(Pick any 3) 
(i) It helps to improve soil structure 
(ii) It helps to reduce toxicity of the soil 
(iii) It increases the activities of the soil Organisms 
(iv) It makes nutrients readily available for tissue development 
(v) It increases the availability of phosphorus and molybdenum ions 
(vi) It serves as additional sources of calcium for bone development in fish

Agricultural Uses of Specimen G
(Pick any 3) 
(i) It is a source of calcium 
(ii) It helps to reduce the turbidity in fish pond 
(iii) It increases the availability of Carbonate to plants
(iv) It helps to improve soil fertility 
(v) It improves the activities of soil Organisms

(i) It helps to supply nutrients to the soil 
(ii) It improves the texture and structure of the soil 
(iii) It improves water conservation in the soil 
(iv) It regulates the temperature fluctuation in the soil
(v) It helps to prevent erosion 
(vi) It has buffering effect on the soil


Specimen I
(i) It is used for carrying farm inputs
(ii) It is used for transplanting seedlings 
(iii) It is used for carrying materials to the market
(iv) It is used for carrying farm outputs

Specimen J
(i) It is used for sharpening blades of farm tools 
(ii) It is used for smoothening rough surfaces of farm implements
(iii) It is used to repair blunt part of farm tools

(i) Keep in a cool dry place 
(ii) Grease or oil metal parts before storage for a very long time
(iii) Clean after used

Specimen K is from Elaeis guineensis

Specimen L is from Gossypium spp

Traditional method of producing Specimen K
(i) The fruits are boiled 
(ii) It is then pounded in a mortar 
(iii) The fibers and nuts are removed 
(iv) The oil is separated from the residue by floatation After mixing with water 
(v) The crude liquid is reboiled 
(vi) The oil is then carefully separated
(vii) The oil is later re-heated to eliminate any trace of water 


(i) It forms galls on the crop leaves 
(ii) It causes Stunted Growth 
(iii) It is a vector of diseases e.g Rosette 
(iv) It reduces yield

(Pick any 2) 
(i) Spray with insecticide 
(ii) uproot and burn infected plant
(iii) Crop rotation 
(iv) Early Harvesting 

(i) It improves soil development
(ii) It increases the nitrogen level of the soil 
(iii) It helps to increase water holding capacity of the soil 
(iv) It adds organic matter to the soil
(v) It helps to reduce leaching of the soil nutrient

(i) Pod borers 
(ii) Bean beetle 
(iii) Leaf Hoppers

(Pick any 5) 
(i) It is a source of vitamins 
(ii) It is an ingredient in livestock feeds
(iii) It is used for producing Chips
(iv) It is used for producing coconut oil 
(v) It serves as income to the farmers
(vi) The epicarp supplies nutrients to the soil 
(vii) It is a source of Natural Milk

Specimen N is from Vigna Unguiculata

Specimen O is from Cocos nucifera 

(Pick any 3) 
(i) White Leghorn 
(ii) Brown Leghorn 
(iii) Rhode Island Red
(iv) Plymouth Rock
(v) New Hampshire 

(Pick any 4) 
(i)  It enhances the nutritional value of other food
(ii) It is a source of protein 
(iii) It is used as a raising agent
(iv) It is used for controlling crystallization 
(v) It is an emulsifying agent
(vi) It is used for binding and coating substances
(vii) It is used for Glazing and sealing processes 

(Pick any 2)
(i) Use of fishing net
(ii) The use of trapping method 
(iii) The use of electro-Fishing method
(iv) Draining of ponds 
(v) Use of ultrasonic 
(vi) The use of impaling 

(i) Fish roe 
(ii) Fish emulsion 
(iii) Sea food
(iv) Caviar 
(v) Fish meal

(Pick any 4)
(i) Canning
(ii) Freezing method
(iii) Sun drying
(iv) Salting method 
(v) Smoking method 


Completed 🙏

Monday, October 5, 2020

October 05, 2020







During the time of Samuel, the word of God and visions were rare. Samuel was serving God in the presence of Eli.  Now, Eli's eyes had begun to grow weak so that he was not able to see. One day when Eli was lying in his place  and the lamp of God had not yet gone out, Samuel was lying in the temple of God where the ark of God was.  Then the Lord called out to Samuel and he said, “Here I am!”, thinking it was Eli. He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” But he said, “I did not call you. Go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down. And God called Samuel again, so Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” And he said, “I did not call you, my son. Go back and lie down.” Samuel did not yet know God, and the word of God had not yet been revealed to him.  Again God called Samuel a third time, so he got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” Then Eli realized that God was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel to go and lie down, that If the voice calls again, that he should say ‘Speak Lord, because your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
Then God came and stood there and called out as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, because your servant is listening.” So God said to Samuel, “Look, I am doing something in Israel which will cause the two ears of everyone who hears it to tingle. On that day, I will fulfill against Eli all that I have spoken against his household, from beginning to end. I will make him know that I am about to judge his household forever because of the iniquity that he knew, for his sons were bringing curses on themselves, but he did not rebuke them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli that the iniquity of the house of Eli would not be atoned for by sacrifice or by offering forever.”

 So Samuel lay down until morning; then he opened the doors of the house of God, but Samuel was afraid of telling the vision to Eli. Then Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son!” And he said, “Here I am.” And he what the message was. And told him not to hide the message from him,  else he pray that God may punish him severely if he conceal anything from him. So Samuel told him all the words and did not conceal anything from him. 
And Samuel grew up, and God was with him. He did not allow any of his prophecies to go unfulfilled.

(i) You can hear God speaking, but not recognize that it is God
(ii) Sometimes, a mentor can help us to learn to recognize and respond to God's voice.
(iii) You can worship God but not know God.



After the Plagues of Egypt, the Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go. The Israelites were led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. There, God tells Moses to turn back and camp by the sea at Pi-HaHiroth. 
God causes the Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites with chariots, and the pharaoh overtakes them at Pi-hahiroth. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian army they were afraid, but the pillar of fire and the cloud separated the Israelites and the Egyptians. At God's command, Moses held his staff out over the water, and throughout the night a strong east wind divided the sea, and the Israelites walked through on dry land with a wall of water on either side. The Egyptians pursued them, but at daybreak God clogged their chariot-wheels and threw them into a panic, and with the return of the water, the pharaoh and his entire army are destroyed. When the Israelites saw the power of God, they put their faith in God and in Moses, and sang a song of praise to the Lord for the crossing of the sea and the destruction of their enemies.

(i) God wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the LORD.  
(ii) God wanted to demonstrate to the Israelites that he could sustain them even in the wilderness.  
(iii) God wants people who would trust in His leading.
(iv) The episode shows that nobody can stand against the children of God from progressing 
(v) The episode shows that with God,  all things are possible



*(Number 5)*

Prayer is a means or channel through which we communicate with God,in sadness,joy or need. Prayer is very important in the life of a Christian, it is a means of interacting with God and also serves as a weapon of defense against the evil one's.


(i)Lack of faith on the part of the person praying
(ii)Unforgiving spirit on the part of the person praying
(iii)Lack of concentration
(iv)Lack of repentance from personal sin
(v)Lack of consistency

*(Number 6)*

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is the  final and most serious stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system because of the virus. This is disease of the human immune system caused by the human immune Deficiency virus (HIV). The illness is non effectiveness of the immune system of the body. Symptoms such as weakness,Frequent fever,persistent skin rashes or flaky skin,cough and shortness of breath,difficult or painful swallowing, severe headache,weight loss etc may be a sign that a person’s HIV has advanced to AIDS.

*(Choose Any Four)*

(i)Sexual transmission
(ii)Blood transfusions
(iii)Mother to child transmission during pregnancy or delivery
(iv)Sharing of Needles and other sharp objects.

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

October 04, 2020



NUMBER 1⃣2⃣3⃣4⃣ 

(i) Production of traditional foods such as yoghurt, cheese and vingar
(ii) Curing of tobacco 
(iii) Baking

(i) Cover crop find green manure
(ii) Mixed cropping and inter-Cropping 

(i) Ostrogen
(ii)  Progesterone 

(i) Stamen
(ii) Pistic 

(i) Oxidation and reduction of organic materials 
(ii) Erosion or crop removal


i=2/1, C=0/0 P3/2, M3/3=28

(i) Fruit and seed dispersal is very important for the survival of plants species
(ii) It allows plants to spread out from a wide area and avoid competing with one another


Gregor Johann mendel

Xylem tissues and phloem tissues

(i) Genotype 
(ii) Phenotype 

It must have four floral parts (eg Sepal, Petals, at least one stamen and at least one pistil

(i) Flooding occurs when water cover the land that's normally dry
(ii) Flooding can also occur as a result of the ill-judge operation of water structure on regular rivers

(i) Epigeal
(ii) Hypogeal


Specimen A – Tilapia Fish
Specimen B – Tadpole 



Specimen A    |       Specimen B

(i) Limbs absent 
(ii) Has many fins

(i) Limbs present 
(ii) It has caudal fin

(i) Eyes
(ii) Nostril 

(i) Streamline body 
(ii) Muscular tail


Specimen C – Maize grain affected by mould

Specimen D – Flower of pride of Barbados 

Specimen E – Egg of domestic Fowl

(i) Motel Growth in maize storage 
(ii) Temperature 

(i) It serves as a livestock feeding 
(ii) It serves as food for human consumption 

(i) Stamen
(ii) Petals
(iii) Sepals
(iv) Pistils


(i) It has bright colored petal which attract insects
(ii) It has large or stick pollen grain


Specimen F – Grain Weevil 

Specimen G – Soldier termite


(i) They are tracheated Arthropoda 
(ii) They possesses three pairs of jointed legs

Both specimen F and Specimen G are insects 


(i) The King
(ii) The Queen 
(iii) The wingled reproduction 
(iv) The worker 

(i) The function of the king:- Is to mate or fertilize the queen 

(ii) Function of the Queen:- Is to lay eggs 

(iii) Function of wingled reproduction:- They can become new queens or kings in a new colony after a wedding fight 

(iv) Function of Worker:- To provide food for members of the colony

We are Always with you all Forever
October 04, 2020

2020 Physics practical answers

2020 Physics practical answers


WE SOLVED NUMBER 1⃣, 2⃣ & 3⃣

^ Means raise to the power 

Π Means ohm's 

^–¹ Means Raise to the power of minus 1 or inverse 

🌹We are always with you all forever 

Balance point G=50.00cm

S/N  |  m(g)  |  P(cm)  |  x(cm)  |  y(cm)  |  x^–¹ (cm^-1

1  2  3  4  5  

UNDER m(g) 
20.00   |  30.00  |  40.00  |  50.00  |  60.00

UNDER P(cm) 
86.50  |  78.50  |  69.00  |  65.00  |  62.55

UNDER x(cm) 
36.50  |  28.50  |  19.00  |  15.00  |  12.55

UNDER y(cm) 
35.00  |  35.00  |  35.00  |  35.00  |  35.00

UNDER x^-1 (cm^-1) 
0.027  |  0.035  |  0.053  |  0.067  |  0.080 

Click on the link to view the Graph

Slope = ∆m/∆x^–¹
=60 – 20 / 0.080 – 0.027
= 40/0.053
Slope, s = 754.72gcm


S/y = 754.72/35

(i) I avoided the parallax error when reading the meter rule. 
(ii) I ensued that the suspended masses did not touch the table

The moment of a force about a point is the product of the force and distance about that point i.e moment = Force × Distance 
The S.I unit of moment is Nm

The centre of gravity of a body is the point at which the resultant weight of the body appears to act. 
The centre of gravity of a body is related to it's stability because of 
(i) The position of the centre of gravity:- The lower the position of C•G, the more stable it is and the more the position increases in height when slightly tilted, the more is the magnitude of it's potential energy 
(ii) The moment of the centre of gravity about a given axis when slightly tilted 

(view image above) 

Where m is the mass of the meter rule

Clockwise moment = Anti - clockwise moment 
200 × 20 = 300 × m 



S/N  |  R(ohms)   |  V(V)   |  V^–1 (V^–1)   |  R^–1 (ohms^–1)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

UNDER R(ohms) 
1.00  2.00  3.00  4.00  5.00 

1.80  2.00  2.20  2.50  2.70

UNDER V^–1 (V^–1)
0.56 0.50  0.45  0.40  0.37

UNDER R^–1 (ohms^–1)
1.00  0.50  0.33  0.25  0.20

Click on the link to view the Graph

Slope, s = ∆V^–¹  /  ∆R^–¹
= 0.67 – 0.35  /  1.0 – 0.11
= 0.32/0.89
Slope, s = 0.36ohmsv^–¹

Intercept k = 0.31v^–¹


(i) I ensured tight connection of connecting wires to the terminals
(ii) I ensured that the key was open after each reading so that the battery did not run down quickly 

Electromotive force of a cell (Emf) is the potential difference across the terminal of the cell when it is not delivering any current to the circuit 

Ohmic conductors are;
(i) Coppers 
(ii) Aluminium 
(iii) Silver

Non ohmic conductor are;
(i) Diode 
(ii) Transistor 

The unit of conductivity is (Πm)^–¹

R=2 ohms

I=E/R + r
0.5=3/2 + r
Cross multiply 
3=0.5 (2 + r) 
3=1 + 0.5r
Collect like terms 
3–1 = 0.5r
Divide both sides by 0.5
r=4 ohm's




Saturday, October 3, 2020

October 03, 2020





. قل قواته ام
- تم يلد ولم يولد
ولم يكن له كنوا أخ

(i) say; He, Allah is one
(ii) Allah is he on whom all depeond.
(iii)He begets not, nor is he begotten.
(iv)And none is like him

(i) It teaches Tawhaed, oneness Of Allah
(ii) It teaches us that there is nothing in the universe and beyond like Him and needs nothing from any Creatures


Al-Quran literally means the reading or the recitation. Technically it means the words of Allah that were sent to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) through Angel Jibril, the recitation of Which is ibadan i.e act of worship.

(i) Al- Qur'an provides guidance for the whole of mankind
(ii) The holy Qur'an tells us how to worship Allah and tells us how to do good and thats please
(iii) It helps us to understand our role on the earth. It state the criterion to know truth from false hood state the reward and the punsinment and about the day of Judgement
(iv) The verses of the Qur'an are used as part Of daily worship in prayer. Also its recitation is rewardable.

October 03, 2020





During the time of Samuel, the word of God and visions were rare. Samuel was serving God in the presence of Eli.  Now, Eli's eyes had begun to grow weak so that he was not able to see. One day when Eli was lying in his place  and the lamp of God had not yet gone out, Samuel was lying in the temple of God where the ark of God was.  Then the Lord called out to Samuel and he said, “Here I am!”, thinking it was Eli. He ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” But he said, “I did not call you. Go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down. And God called Samuel again, so Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” And he said, “I did not call you, my son. Go back and lie down.” Samuel did not yet know God, and the word of God had not yet been revealed to him.  Again God called Samuel a third time, so he got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” Then Eli realized that God was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel to go and lie down, that If the voice calls again, that he should say ‘Speak Lord, because your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
Then God came and stood there and called out as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, because your servant is listening.” So God said to Samuel, “Look, I am doing something in Israel which will cause the two ears of everyone who hears it to tingle. On that day, I will fulfill against Eli all that I have spoken against his household, from beginning to end. I will make him know that I am about to judge his household forever because of the iniquity that he knew, for his sons were bringing curses on themselves, but he did not rebuke them. Therefore I swore to the house of Eli that the iniquity of the house of Eli would not be atoned for by sacrifice or by offering forever.”

 So Samuel lay down until morning; then he opened the doors of the house of God, but Samuel was afraid of telling the vision to Eli. Then Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son!” And he said, “Here I am.” And he what the message was. And told him not to hide the message from him,  else he pray that God may punish him severely if he conceal anything from him. So Samuel told him all the words and did not conceal anything from him. 
And Samuel grew up, and God was with him. He did not allow any of his prophecies to go unfulfilled.

(i) You can hear God speaking, but not recognize that it is God
(ii) Sometimes, a mentor can help us to learn to recognize and respond to God's voice.
(iii) You can worship God but not know God.



After the Plagues of Egypt, the Pharaoh agrees to let the Israelites go. The Israelites were led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. There, God tells Moses to turn back and camp by the sea at Pi-HaHiroth. 
God causes the Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites with chariots, and the pharaoh overtakes them at Pi-hahiroth. When the Israelites saw the Egyptian army they were afraid, but the pillar of fire and the cloud separated the Israelites and the Egyptians. At God's command, Moses held his staff out over the water, and throughout the night a strong east wind divided the sea, and the Israelites walked through on dry land with a wall of water on either side. The Egyptians pursued them, but at daybreak God clogged their chariot-wheels and threw them into a panic, and with the return of the water, the pharaoh and his entire army are destroyed. When the Israelites saw the power of God, they put their faith in God and in Moses, and sang a song of praise to the Lord for the crossing of the sea and the destruction of their enemies.

(i) God wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the LORD.  
(ii) God wanted to demonstrate to the Israelites that he could sustain them even in the wilderness.  
(iii) God wants people who would trust in His leading.
(iv) The episode shows that nobody can stand against the children of God from progressing 
(v) The episode shows that with God,  all things are possible



*(Number 5)*

Prayer is a means or channel through which we communicate with God,in sadness,joy or need. Prayer is very important in the life of a Christian, it is a means of interacting with God and also serves as a weapon of defense against the evil one's.


(i)Lack of faith on the part of the person praying
(ii)Unforgiving spirit on the part of the person praying
(iii)Lack of concentration
(iv)Lack of repentance from personal sin
(v)Lack of consistency

*(Number 6)*

AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Acquired Immune Deficiency syndrome (AIDS): Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is the  final and most serious stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system because of the virus. This is disease of the human immune system caused by the human immune Deficiency virus (HIV). The illness is non effectiveness of the immune system of the body. Symptoms such as weakness,Frequent fever,persistent skin rashes or flaky skin,cough and shortness of breath,difficult or painful swallowing, severe headache,weight loss etc may be a sign that a person’s HIV has advanced to AIDS.

*(Choose Any Four)*

(i)Sexual transmission
(ii)Blood transfusions
(iii)Mother to child transmission during pregnancy or delivery
(iv)Sharing of Needles and other sharp objects.

All photos👇👇👇👇👇

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Friday, October 2, 2020

October 02, 2020


Number 1, 5 and 6 solved

1a) Samuel’s First Encounter with the Lord
 Samuel was serving God in the presence of Eli. The word of te lord was rare in those days; visions were not widespread. And then one day when Eli was lying in his place (now his eyes had begun to grow weak so that he was not able to see)  and the lamp of God had not yet gone out, Samuel was lying in the temple of God where the ark of God was.  Then God called out to Samuel and he said, “Here I am!”  And he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” But he said, “I did not call you. Go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down.  And God called Samuel again, so Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” And he said, “I did not call you, my son. Go back and lie down.”  Now Samuel did not yet know God, and the word of God had not yet been revealed to him.  Again God called Samuel a third time, so he got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, because you called me.” Then Eli realized that God was calling the boy.  So Eli said to Samuel “Go lie down. If he calls[d] to you, then you must say, ‘Speak God, because your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.

 Then God came and stood there and called out as before, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, because your servant is listening.”  So God said to Samuel, “Look, I am doing something in Israel which will cause the two ears of everyone who hears it to tingle.  On that day I will fulfill against Eli all that I have spoken against his household, from beginning to end.  I will make him know that I am about to judge his household forever because of the iniquity that he knew, for his sons were bringing curses on themselves, but he did not rebuke them.Therefore I swore to the house of Eli that the iniquity of the house of Eli would not be atoned for by sacrifice or by offering forever.”


Crossing the Red Sea and Gods Role in the episode:

LOOK at what is happening! That is Moses with his stick stretched out over the Red Sea. Those with him safely on the other side are the Israelites. But Pharʹaoh and all his army are being drowned in the sea. Let’s see how this came about.

As we learned, Pharʹaoh told the Israelites to leave Egypt after God brought the 10th plague on the Egyptians. About 600,000 Israelite men left, as well as many women and children. Also, a large number of other people, who had become believers in Jehovah, left with the Israelites. They all took their sheep and goats and cattle with them.

Before they left, the Israelites asked the Egyptians for clothes and for things made of gold and silver. The Egyptians were very much afraid, because of that last plague upon them. So they gave the Israelites everything they asked for.

After a few days the Israelites came to the Red Sea. There they rested. In the meantime, Pharʹaoh and his men began to feel sorry that they had sent the Israelites away. ‘We have let our slaves go!’ they said.

So Pharʹaoh changed his mind once more. He quickly got his war chariot and his army ready. Then he began to chase after the Israelites with 600 special chariots, as well as all the other chariots of Egypt.

When the Israelites saw Pharʹaoh and his army coming after them, they were very much afraid. There was no way to flee. The Red Sea was on one side of them, and here the Egyptians were coming from the other direction. But Jehovah put a cloud between his people and the Egyptians. So the Egyptians were not able to see the Israelites to attack them.

Jehovah then told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea. When he did, Jehovah caused a strong east wind to blow. The waters of the sea were parted, and the waters were held up on both sides.

Then the Israelites began to march through the sea on dry ground. It took hours for the millions of people with all their animals to get safely through the sea to the other side. Finally the Egyptians were able to see the Israelites again. Their slaves were getting away! So they rushed into the sea after them.

When they did, God caused the wheels of their chariots to fall off. The Egyptians became very much afraid and began to cry out: ‘Jehovah is fighting for the Israelites against us. Let’s get out of here!’ But it was too late.

This is when Jehovah told Moses to stretch his stick out over the Red Sea, as you saw in the picture. And when Moses did, the walls of water began to come back and cover the Egyptians and their chariots. The whole army had followed the Israelites into the sea. And not one of the Egyptians got out alive!

The waters of the Red Sea come back down over Pharaoh and the chariots of Egypt
How happy all God’s people were to be saved! The men sang a song of thanks to Jehovah, saying: ‘Jehovah has won a glorious victory. He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.’ Moses’ sister Mirʹi·am took her tambourine, and all the women followed her with their tambourines. And as they danced with joy, they sang the same song as the men were singing: ‘Jehovah has won a glorious victory. He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.’

*💞5a) Prayer* is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship (GOD)  through deliberate communication. 

In the narrow sense, the term refers to an act of supplication or intercession directed towards a deity (a God), or a deified ancestor.




6a) *💞AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.*

6aii) 💞AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome:

A - Acquired. This condition is acquired, meaning that a person becomes infected with it.

💞I - Immuno. HIV affects a person's immune system, the part of the body that fights off germs such as bacteria or viruses.

💞D - Deficiency. The immune system becomes deficient and does not work properly.

💞S - Syndrome. A person with AIDS may experience other diseases and infections because of a weakened immune system.

AIDS is the most advanced stage of infection caused by HIV.

*6b)* pick 4 points🤏🏻👇🏻

💞Sex without a condom
having unprotected sex (meaning sex without a condom, if you are not taking PrEP) 

💞Sharing injecting equipment
sharing needles, syringes or other equipment used to prepare and inject drugs with someone who has HIV.

💞Passed from mother-to-baby during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding

💞Contaminated blood transfusions and organ/tissue transplants

Thursday, October 1, 2020

October 01, 2020





Map Reading

NO 1



*(NUMBER 3)*

(i)Sedimentary rocks are formed of sediments derived from the older rocks, plant and animal remains and thus these rocks contain fossils of plants and animals. The age of the formation of a given sedimen­tary rock may be determined on the basis of the analysis of the fossils to be found in that rock.

(ii)Sedimentary rocks are found over the largest surface area of the globe. It is believed that about 75 per cent of the surface area of the globe is covered by sedimentary rocks. it's obvious that the sedi­mentary rocks are important for extent, not for depth in the earth’s crust.

(iii)The deposition of sediments of various types and sizes to form sedimentary rocks takes place in certain sequence and system. The size of sediments decreases from the littoral margins to the centre of the water bodies or sedimentation basins. Different sediments are consolidated and compacted by different types of cementing elements e.g silica, iron etc

(iv)Layers of sedimentary rocks are seldom found in original and horizontal manner. Sedimentary layers are generally deformed due to lateral compressive and tensile forces. The beds are folded and found in anticlinal and synclinal forms. Tensile and compressive forces also create faults due to dislocation of beds.

(i)Igneous rocks are roughly hard rocks and water percolates with great difficulty along the joints. Sometimes the rocks become so soft, due to their exposure to environmental conditions for longer duration, that they can be easily dug out by a spade (eg basalt).

(ii)Igneous rocks are granular or crystalline rocks but there are much variations in the size, form and texture of grains because these properties largely depend upon the rate and place of cooling and solidification of magmas or lavas. For example, when the lavas are quickly cooled down and solidified at the surface of the earth, there is no sufficient time for the development of grains/crystals.

(iii)Igneous rocks do not have strata like sedimentary rocks. When lava flows in a region occur in several phases, layers after layers of lavas are deposited and solidified one upon another and thus there is some sort of confusion about the layers or strata but actually these are not strata rather these are layers of lavas.

(iv)Since water does not penetrate the rocks easily and hence igneous rocks are less affected by chemical weathering but basalts are very easily weathered and eroded away when they come in constant touch with water. Coarse grained igneous rocks are affected by mechanical or physical weathering and thus the rocks are easily disintegrated and decomposed.

(i)Metamorphic rocks like Slate,marble are mineral/raw material for industries. marble derived from metamorphic rock is used for manufacturing glasses.

(ii)Metamorphic rock  such as marble are beautiful rock that can be polished as ornaments for decorating our houses,churches,mosques and tomb stones.

(iii)Metamorphic rocks like graphite and marble provide foreign exchange earnings.

(iv)Metamorphic rock like Marble is a beautiful rock that is commonly used for buildings. Many of the great statues of the Renaissance were carved from marble.


*(Number  4)*

Climate change is defined as a change in the statistical properties of the climatic system when considered over long periods of time. In order words,climatic change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution of weather pattern over periods ranging from decades to millions of years.

*(Choose Any four)*

(i)Melting of ice caps: As a result of global warming ,the polar ice sheets have started to melt and glaciers around the world are shrinking.

(ii)Increasing temperature: As a result of the depletion of the ozone layers,the earth is now receiving direct rays of the sun and this has resulted in the continuous increase in the temperature of the environment.

(iii)High rainfall: The changes in the temperatures and other weather conditions of the environment have resulted in heavy rain which is now causing serious flooding in most parts of the world.

(iv)Submergence of coastal cities: The ever increasing rainfall, the melting of ice and glaciers etc have resulted in increase in the level of the water in the ocean which will led to the rise in the sea level .

(v)Cancer and eye cataract: Extreme weather conditions due to climatic changes have effected the health of the people . such extreme weather Conditions have resulted into cancer and eye cataract in human being.

(vi)Desertification: Extreme weather conditions resulting from low rainfall and high winds are now causing desertification in regions that are close to the desert which led to desert encroachment of those regions.

*(Choose Any Three)*
(i)Reforestation: Reforestation is a deliberate effort made by the government in planting trees around the habitation of human being .It helps to increase the availability of oxygen which is not only useful for respiration but also useful in the purification of the air and provision of shade in the environment.

(ii)Zero carbon emission: Deliberate efforts should be made by the government to make sure that every little carbon is emitted into the atmosphere. The reduction in the quantity of carbon emission will reduce the effect of climatic change.

(iii)Education: Climate change should be taught in varies level of our academic activities so that awareness will be made known to people as well as educating people on the damaged of climatic change and how to control them.

(iv)Stop the use of aerosols : The use of aerosol by companies and other commercial activities should be stopped. This gas when released into the atmosphere can cause climatic change.

(Attend only one question)

*(Number 5)*

Geo referencing is defined as the process of scaling ,rotating and translating an image to match a particular size and position. It is related to assigning coordinates to points on the image of known object. It also involves the scanning of maps,aerial photographs and satellite images and drafting with the aid of a computer.

*(Choose Any Four)*

(i)It serves as point of references: Using Geo Referencing methods,data obtained from surveying tools like total stations may be given a point of reference from topographic maps already available

(ii)It assists in Air Travels: Geo Referencing is also useful in air travels as it helps in determining the position and direction of places.

(iii)Provision of support for raster data: Geo Referencing also provides support for the raster data format that is a geo referenced grid or Numbers that can be used as reference.

(iv)Determination of map orientation: Geo Referencing is also used to determine the scale and orientation of a map.

(v)Determination of actual location of places : Geo Referencing also helps to determine the actual location of a place.

(vi)Making of Aerial and satellite imagery: Geo Referencing is crucial to making aerial and satellite imagery  usually raster images,useful for mapping as it explains how other date relate to the imagery.

(i)Frame the project: This steps seems straightforward because typically you are assigned a project to obtain  a specific information. Some projects involve answering several questions derived from a high level question.

(ii)Explore and prepare Data: This step can be the most consuming . If you don't have all the data needed for analysis project,you must collect it.

(iii) explore data: For each dataset,explore the feature geography, attributes and metadata to determine whether the data will be useful for your analysis and what kind of preparation, if any,may be required. Question to ask about the data include: what is the data format? When was the data collected?.

(iv) Choose Analysis Methods and Tools: To choose the appropriate methods and tools for an analysis project,consider the questions framed in step 1 and document the methods and tools that will answer each one.

(v) Perform the Analysis: If you have diagrammed the process in step 3,then in this step,you simply follow the diagram,completing each task in sequence . For complicated analysis,you may want to create a model in ModelBuilder to automate the process.
October 01, 2020




Output: 4, 9, 15, 20, 24, 27, 29, 30

TC: 45, 156, 264, 381, 481, 574, 679, 749

TR: 100, 190, 376, 522, 622, 691, 731, 748

MC: - , 22.2, A, 23.4, B=25, C, 52.5, 90

MR: - , D, E, 29.2, 25, 23, 20, F

MC = ∆TC/∆Q
MCA = TC15 - TC9/Q15 - Q9 = 264 - 156/15-9
= 108/6 = 18.0

MCB = TC24 - TC20/Q24 - Q20
= 481-381/24-20
= 100/4 = 25.0

MCc = TC27 - TC24/Q27 - Q24 = 574 - 481/27 - 24
= 93/3 = 31.0

MR = ∆TR/∆Q
MRD = TR9 - TR4/Q9 - Q4
= 190-100/9-4
= 90/5 = 18.0

MRE = TR15 - TR9/Q15 - Q9
= 376-190/15-9 = 186/6 = 31.0

MRF = TR30 - TR29/Q30 - Q29
= 748-731/30-29 = 17/1 = 17.0

The profit maximising output of the company is 24units

Reason in (1bi) above, MC=MR

MC = MR at output 24
The profit maximising output = 25
(where MR=MC)

In come elasticity between E and F
change in quantity demanded
= 150 -100 = 50
% change in quantity demanded= 50/100*100= 50%
Change in Income = 30,000 - 25,000 = 5000
% change in Income = 5000/25000 x 100 = 20%
Income elasticity of demand 50/20 =2.5

Income elasticity between G and H =
change in quantity demanded= 270-250 = 20
% change in quantity demanded = 20/250 * 100 = 8%
change in Income = 42,000 – 40,000 = 2000
change in Income
2000/40000 * 100 = 5%
Income elasticity of demand =8/5 =1.6

Normal good and luxury good

The law states that If one input in the production of a commodity is increased while all other inputs are held fixed, a point will eventually be reached at which additions of the input yield progresively smallery, diminishing, increases in output.

Marginal product focuses on the changes between production totals and the quantity of resources. Average product shows output a specific level of input. The peak of the average product curve is the point at which the marginal product cuirve and average product Curve intersect for the points below to the left of this point, the marginal product of the extra input higher than the average prochuct for example, if adding another worker increases output by more than the average product of the total labor force, then the marginal Is product of the new worker will raise the average product amount, that are average product Curve must be below the marginal product
Curve. Similarly, If the new workers add less product than the average
product amount, the average prodnet curve will he above the marginal produa Curve (for all points to the right of the point of the intersection of the two curves). At the point of intersection, the additional workert produces the same as the average product of the total work forces there will be no change. The Marginal product Come may fall to Zero, showing that an additional worker will have no limpact production, for example, if there is more space left the work in, to or if machines are working at 100% Capacity and all raw materials have been used up.

(i)It is important because certain factors of production are Kept fixed. All factors of production, land, labour, capital for enterprise cannot be increased every time.

(ii)it is important because it is part of the basis for economists expectations
that a firm short-run marginal cost curves well slope upward as the number of units of output increase.

(iii)It is also an Important basis for the law of Supply's prediction that
the number of units of product that profit maximizing firm will wish
to sell increases as the price obtainable
for that product increases.

(iv)It is equally the concept that is employed constantly in micro economic theory and quite frequently in Macroeconomic theory as well.

October 01, 2020




*{Answer only Three(3)questions}*
*(Number 1)*

Legitimacy: Legitimacy is a political concept which refers to the acceptance and recognition by the citizens of a country ,the rights of their rulers to govern. A government is considered legitimate, if it comes to power through constitutional means. Elected government are legitimate . However it is argued in some quarters that a military government can acquire legitimacy, through popular government policies.

Sovereignty: Sovereignty means the supreme power and authority of the state over the citizen. It is the power of the state(exercised by a body of persons known as sovereign) to make lows and enforce them all the means of coercion it cares to employ,without any interference by other state . The idea of sovereignty originated from Jean Bodin(1530 - 1590),a French political thinker and philosopher.

*(choose Any Five)*
(i)The constitution
(ii)The electorate
(iii)customs and traditions
(iv)Public opinion
(v)The Military
(vi)Religion amf culture
(vii)Activities of Pressure Groups


*(Number 2)*

Unitary : Unitary government may be defined as one in which all powers and authorities for the exercise of the functions of running a state are concentrated in the hands of a single central government. In this respect,powers are not shared between the central government and any other component units. These powers are exercised in line with the wishes of the central government.

Federal : A federal state is one in which there is constitutional division of powers among different levels or three tiers of government(federal,state/region,local governments ) . In federal system ,the federal or central authority represents the whole and acts on behalf of all in certain matters, especially defence,external affairs,currency,national revenue etc and other area considered to be of common interest.

Presidential: Presidential system of government is defined as one in which the head of state of country is also the head of government. It is a system in which all executive powers are vested in one person with the title of the executive president. The constitution of a presidential system of government is supreme and has succeeded in depositing the offices of the head of state and government in the executive president

Parliamentary : Parliamentary system of government is defined as a system of government in which head of state is distinct from the head of government. Both offices and functions attached to them are in the hands of two individuals, unlike the presidential system where the two offices(head of state and government) are fused. The head of state exercises ceremonial functions.

Confederal : Confederal system of government may be defined as a league of sovereign states with a loose political arrangement in which autonomous states come together to form a union. It is also seen as a voluntary association of a sovereign states with a recognized authority in certain matters affecting the whole and especially in respect of external relations and with a common course of actions in specific areas like foreign affairs,defence,currency etc.

*(Choose Any Two)*

(i)Less cost: The cost of running a unitary government is relatively lower than the federal government.

(ii)Quick action: Quick action is taken in the areas of decision making and execution

(iii)Flexible constitution: The method of amending the constitution is relatively easy because the constitution is flexible

(iv)Promotes strong government: All the powers of governance are concentrated in the hands of one central authority.

*(Choose Any Two)*

(i)Control over their internal affairs: The component states have total control over their internal affairs.

(ii)Obedience to one government: Citizen have to obey only one government, that is ,that of their own state.

(iii)Expansion of market:markets of member states are expanded to accommodate goods and services from member states.

(iv)Mutual benefit accruing to member states: Each member state benefits from one another in different areas of interest.
*(Number 3)*

*(Choose Any Five)*
(i)History of the people
(ii)Acts of Parliament
(iii)customs and traditions
(iv)Past constitution
(v)constitutional conferences
(vi)Judicial precedents.

Rigid constitution: Rigid constitution is defined as the one that is very difficult to amend or change. It requires special process or a complicated method before it can be amended or change. Most written constitution are rigid. U.S.A.,Ghana,Nigeria(seond Republic constitution of 1979/83 and Fourth Republic constitution 1999-2015 Australia etc have rigid constitution

Flexible constitution: It is defined as the type of constitution that is easy to amend. If the method of amending the constitution is the same as that of the passing or ordinary law,the constitution is said to be flexible. Again,the amendment can easily be done by a simple majority in the legislature. Britain,Italy etc have flexible constitution.
*Answer only Two questions*

*(Number 6)*

Legislative power: Islmaic laws were the supreme laws of the emirate. The emir had the capacity of making laws on matters which were not covered by Islamic laws.

Executive power: The emir was authoritarian and had absolute powers ,even though he had a body of advisers,yet he can ignore or accept their advise.

Judicial power: The judicial administration was based on sharia laws. These laws were administered by Alkali judges. At times, minor cases may be passed to the village heads to be settled by them. Criminal and land cases were usually refered to the Emirs because sharia law dealt mainly with civil cases.

Igbo pre- colonial government is a direct democracy  because it was decentralized and based on village and direct democracy where everyone in the village has the authority to contribute in decision making.The council of elders were believed to be earthly representatives of the Igbo ancestors.

*(Number 8)*

Nigeria youth Movement was founded in 1935. It was originally known as Lagos Youth Movement found in 1934 by some Nigerian like Ernest Ikoli,Dr J.C. Vaughan and Samuel Akinsanya. It was led by Ikoli.
         Later ,H.O Davies and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe joined the movement. Other members were : Obafemi Awolowo,Samuel Akintola etc. with this wide membership, it's composition, assumed a national outlook. This movement was able to complete with NNDP for the control of political activities in Lagos.

*(Choose Any Three)*
(i)Unity: National Youth Movement worked hard to promote national unity in a Nigeria..

(ii)National outlook: It was the first political party with a national outlook based on the diverse and wife composition of the membership.

(iii)Legislative council: It won all the three elected seats allocated to Lagos in the legislative council. It defeated NNDP which was formed in 1923.

(iv)Modern nationalism: Movement of Nigeria youth movement  brought modern nationalism into Nigeria.

(i)Internal wrangling : There was internal wrangling within the movement and the establishment of the daily service ,as the official mouthpiece of the party ,did not go down well with Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe ,the publisher of the West African Pilot

(i)Internal weakness: The inherent internal weaknesses of the NYM structure could not solve the movement's problems

(iii)Resignation: The eventual resignation of Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe and Samuel Akinsanya virtually destroyed the limited national character of the NYM

(iv)Ethnic/Tribal conflict: The movement was faced with ethnic/tribal conflicts which pitched the leaders and supporters against one another.
