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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

November 24, 2020





Management courses are an outstanding medium that can facilitate the improvement of various qualities such as leadership and innovation. Management courses are the most popular courses among all colleges and universities across the world. There are huge career opportunities and hence candidates are choosing management courses. There are students who choose management courses even to increase their graduation levels. The goal of management training is to increase the productivity of all employees by motivating and educating managers. Working as a manager can be a challenging and exciting career and can be lucrative as you work your way up. Most management courses give you the opportunity to pursue your own interest.

Management courses allow a manager to understand every aspect that makes up the business and the different decisions made at every management level. This also ensures that managers are capable of making the right decisions for the business in times of crisis and uncertainty or even better predict future crises. Knowing how the functions of the business are affected by external changes also helps to prevent damage to the business financially and financial management.

Without management courses, there would be few successful managers capable of operating a business in today’s constantly evolving economy. Courses in management studies are important because without the skills needed to compete with competitors and deal with external changes it is easier to fail than succeed. Managers who want to ensure that they are leading their staff to the best of their abilities can take up courses in business studies and improve their current management skills.

Management courses provide managers with the opportunity to improve the competitiveness of their business by providing them with skills that will add as an advantage to their career. Managerial skills are not only used in the business environment but on a day to day basis. Management studies not only help managers to deal with changes in the business environment but also help them to manipulate these changes to benefit the business. The importance of management studies cannot be stressed enough. In a struggling economy businesses need leadership or else they will most likely fail in their ventures.

There are lots of benefits of studying Management courses. A person who is interested in leading an organization and manage people must be aware of Management courses.


i). Goals and values aren’t necessarily the same, but tend to work well when they are aligned.

*values* are ethics. Organisations have Codes of Ethics that members have to abide by. For instance as a registered hypnotherapist I do, too. There is something called iatrogenesis which means using skills to coerce financial and other advantage from a client. I can’t do that, and wouldn’t because of my personal and professional Ethics.

ii). A need is something that invokes an emotional reaction either positive when met or negative when not met

Values are built, over time, around human needs. So we say, for example, that life is the greatest value because we want to live.

iii). Value indicates the worth that is attached to any object, condition, principle or idea. Value is the capacity of something or somebody to satisfy the human desire. These are the ways behind our actions and the basis for setting goals.

Standards are set limits one will accept in working toward a goal. Standards are mental pictures of what is considered essential and necessary to make life satisfying.

iv). event planners create the vision and many of the preliminary plans for an event.

while management execute the details before and during it.


2b. Resources is a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.


November 24, 2020



Optimum population is the number of people that can be supported by available resources in an area, so to achieve highest possible standard of living. It can also be defined when the available resources is equal to the total number of people in an area.

Overpopulation: This is a type of population when the total population is more than the available resources. Overpopulation brings together of people in an area. Overpopulation creates large labour for industries which in turn brings large market. Overpopulation creates pressure on both national resources and social resources as side effects.

Mortality rate: Mortality rate is also known as death rate which can be defined as the rate which people die in a country. It can be expressed in units of death per 1000 individual per year. High mortality rate will lead to low population while low mortality rate will lead to increase in population

Birth rate : Birth rate is also called natality rate which can be defined as the rate at which children are born or given birth to. High birth rate will lead to increase in human population while low birth rate will lead to decrease in human population.

Population density: It refers to the ratio of total population to total land area. It can also be defined as the number of person per unit area of land per kilometres of land.
Mathematically, Population density = total population/total land area
High population density will promote large labour for industries while low population density will provide low labour force for industries. High population density is attributed to over population while low population density is attributed to optimum or under population.

(i) Unemployment
(ii) Increase in crime rate and social vices like prostitution, kidnapping, robbery
(iii) Traffic congestion in terms of pollution

(i) Creation of more industries and empowerment skills acquisition programme
(ii) Creation of more adequate trained security personnel and relates with technology in terms of CCTV cameras installments in all areas of the city to know everything that is going on 24/7
(iii) Expansion of roads and creation or constructing of new roads to make free and easy flow of motorist

(i) Raw materials for industries:  Through ports, raw materials are imported for industries.
(ii) Tourism: Seaports are also centres of Tourist attraction
(iii) Export of goods: Goods produced in Nigeria are exported to other countries through seaport
(iv) Import of goods: Goods produced in other countries are brought into the country through the Seaports.

(i) Lack of natural harbours
(ii) Problem of port congestion
(iii) Inadequate port facilities
(iv) Problems caused by water weeds such as water hyacinths

(i) Modern facilities should be provided
(ii) The seaport should be dredged regularly

(i) Traffic congestions: Cluster of industries leads to congestions in traffic, industries and housing
(ii) Shortage of social amenities: Concentration of industries pave way for shortage of social amenities as a result of competition
(iii) Environmental pollution: It causes environmental pollution due to the presence of so many industries
(iv) Uneven development: The presence of many industries in a particular place causes uneven development especially in areas where industries are not found 

(i) Development of rural areas
(ii) Discourage rural-urban migration
(iii) increased production of goods 
(iv) Increased earnings for rural dwellers

(Draw the map well.)


(i) Presence of trees makes it difficult for cultivation of food corps like yam, cassava, potatoes which has occupied the meant for this crop cultivation
(ii) Due to presence of tree in rain forest tract encourages lunbreing which in turn leads to soil erosion make it difficult for development of agricultural because erosion is not friendly to agricultural development
(iii) High tall tree shades and guide sunlight which gives chlorophy II to the underneath plant

(i) Iroko
(ii) Obeche
(iii) Mahogany
(iv) White mangrove
(v) African walnut

(i) H.E.P. (hydro electric power) hydro electric power is the generation of electricity from water. This is achieved through damming of rivers and the use of river water to turn or drive turbines. Example of H.E.P  generation in Nigeria is kainji dam on river Niger Nigeria
(ii) Coal:  A coal fired power station or coal plant is a thermal power station which burns coal to generate electricity,  Example can be found in  kogi and Enugu State with a capacity of 2000MW  with 1000mw  in each.
(iii) Gas fired power plant: A gas fired plant is a thermal power station which burns natural gas to generate electricity. Example can be located in Calabar with 561MW, Egbema power plant in Imo state with 338MW and Egbin thermal power station location in Egbin with 1320MW

(i) Inadequate capital to construct and maintain power generation: Due to lack of funding by the federal government to power supply generation it affect the static power supply and makes the power supply in Nigeria to be floating
(ii) Low level of technology: Low level of technology affect power generation in Nigeria due to low level and we are still following manual method that makes it difficult to have static power supply especially in Gaseoline and coal power generation
(iii) Seasonal floating of river: the volume of river water increases during drying season and reduces during drying season makes power generation to be floating in Nigeria

(i) Proper funding to the generation of power supply in Nigeria by adding good amount of money during budgeting
(ii) There should be adequate and proper skilled labour that can handle and execute power generation in terms of technology. Government should train his personnel technology known how

(i) Increase in Gross national product: Industrial sector through its operations like paying of taxes,increases the earnings accruing to the country
(ii) Diversification of the economy: Industries help to prevent over dependence on only one product
(iii) Infrastructural development: The establishment of an industry in a place stimulate the development of infrastructures roads, pipeborne water, electricity and so on

(i) Shortage of raw materials
(ii) Insufficient capital
(iii) Inadequate power supply
(iv) Shortage of entrepreneur

(i) Good government policies
(ii) Acquisition of skills
(iii) Active government participation
(iv) Incentives to local industries



November 24, 2020






(i)predation; this is a relationship between two organism in which one feeds on the other organisms. The one feeding on the other is called the predator while the one they are feeding on is known as the prey

(ii)Mutualis; this is the relationship between two organisms in which both benefited from the association.

(i)Epigeal germination
(ii)Hypogea germination



(i)High fever
(iv)headache and body pain

(i)Regular hand washing
(ii)maintenance of social distance
(iii)use of hand sanitizer with high alcoholic content
(iv)avoidance of handshakes

(i)they have two seed leaves or cotyledon
(ii)there floral parts are in four or fives
(iii)there vascular bundles are in concentric circles
(iv)there root develop from the radicle

Make Your Diagram Neat pls.

(i)Possession of the leaves that helps in floatation
(ii)their stomata are located on the surface of the plant for easy gaseous exchange
(iii)Possession of little or no root system.

Pathogen; this is defined as any organisms capable of causing diseases

Haemolysis; this can be defined as the breaking down of the red blood cells or corpuscle due to high passage of water into it

Deforestation; this can be defined as the indiscriminate falling of forest trees

(ii)Sweep net
(iii)Role (for transact method)

The pinna collects sounds waves in air and pass them through external auditory canal. The waves cause the vibration of the tympanic membrane which passed on to the ear Ossicles that amplify them. The round oval window vibrates and passes the waves into the cavity of the inner ear or cochlea where the perilymph and endolymph vibrate the sensory nerve cells vibrate and stimulate the auditory nerve cells which then transmit the impulses to the brain for interpretation.

Calyx; it protects the flower which is in the bud

Corolla; it attract pollinators.

Make Sure Your Drawing is (8-10cm Long)

Mitochondrion; it produce energy in the cell

Ribosome; it brings about protein synthesis in the cell

(i)they are proteinous in nature
(ii)it speed up the rate of chemical reaction
(iii)they remain chemically unchanged
(iv)they are specific in function

(i)they are easily carried by the wind
(ii)they may have wings
(iii)they may have floss
(iv)they may have parachute

(Make Sure You Draw this Table Well.)

[Tabulate it if you can't draw]

F1 generation

F2 generation

(i)planting cover crops
(ii)construction of good drainage system
(iii)avoid dumping refuse into the drainage system
(iv)strict laws in the disposal of refuse

Fertilization in flowing plants leads to the production of seeds which are capable of germinating into new plant. In this case the pollen grains (male reproductive gamete) is transferred onto the stigma where it is passed into the ovary for pollination to take place and then to the ovule leading to the formation of seed.

November 24, 2020





(i)Ctrl + F¹¹ --->lock a field so it can not be edited 
(ii)Ctrl + T --->  create a hanging indent
(iii)Shift + F¹¹ ---> jump to pervious field in a document
(iv))Ctrl + R ---> Align Right

(i)it must be correct and accurate
(ii)it must be properly arranged
(iii)it must be useful
(iv)it must be fresh and comprehensive

(i)broadbands system
(ii)low error rates
(iii)it provide greater bandwidth system wide
(iv)it support a mixed range of service

(i)data representation is defined as the form in which data is stored, processed and transmitted 

(i)Registered jack (RJ-11); it is used to connect telephone equipment 

(ii) universal serial bus (USB); it is use to connect peripheral device such as mice, modern, keyboard, printers to the computer

(iii)Fiber local connector; it is for single mode and multi mode fibre- optic cable

(iv)F-Type; it is used for cable and universally for satellite television

Binary coded decimal; this use 4 - bit to present each decimal digit in a number for example to represent the number 23, there will be two group of four bit each 
0010. 0011
    2.        3

Extended binary coded decimal interchange code; this may be described as 8-bit coded system. It can conveniently be used to represent decimal digit 0 to 9 upper case or lower case letters and extra characters.

Presentation package is define as a software program that provide the resources necessary to give a profession presentation for meeting, lectures, speeches or other similar situation.

(i)Mobile editing
(ii)creative design tools
(iii)online sharing 
(iv)technical support

Data bus; the data bus allow data to travel back and forth between the micro-processor (CPU) and memory (RAM)

Address bus; the address bus came information about the location of data in memory

Control bus; the control bus carries the signals that make sure everything is flowing smoothly from place to place.

-Application software-
(ii)desktop publishing

-Two examples-
(i)microsoft excel
(ii)lotus 1-2-3

-desktop publishing-
(i)corel draw
(ii)microsoft word

CC: it stands for carbon copy; it is a way of sending copies of email to other people whereas  the list of all the recipient can be seen by other recipients.

BCC; it stands for blind carbon copy; it is a way of sending copies of email to other people whereas other recipients would not be able to see that someone else has been sent a copy of the e-mail.

Domain name; this is a name; it is an address where internet user can access one's website. It is simply a human readable from of an IP address
